Life with Baby K

August 29, 2010

Is this thing on???

Filed under: Anna Banana — by Jess @ 11:16 pm

Hello anyone out there? So its been a really long time since I wrote here…no real reason except that the more time that went by, the harder it seemed to come back. But recently I have found myself wishing I had an outlet like I did back when I was blogging on a regular basis. I considered starting a fresh blog, a way not to have to own up to ignoring this one for so long but in the end I think I will just stay here.

My daughter was born on March 21, 2009 after a long induction that didn’t turn out the way it was suppose to. I ended up having a c-section because Anna wasn’t going to fit through my cervix. Apparently not only do I need medical assistance to get pregnant but I can’t even give birth without serious medical intervention. But that is a topic for a whole other post.  Anyways her name is Anna Jane and she is perfect. She is 17 months old now and the light of my life.  Seriously she cracks me up and makes everything that we went through to get her seem so insignficant.

I am also in nursing school, getting ready to start my second year. My last year thank God! Lord willing I will be an RN in less than a year. Can’t wait! I love school and enjoy what I am doing so much. Its so good to feel like I am doing something that will help people.

So this serves as my “getting my toes wet” post…I really intend to write more often…I need a place to get things off  my chest.

Oh also, even though I have been MIA on my blog I have been reading along with everyone’s blogs and have been keeping up with people. So is anyone out there reading this one anymore???

Oh, and here are some pics of Anna!

Anna in the hospital all cozy in pink


Anna one month old in her swing

Anna at three months 

Anna at 6 months


 Christmas 2009- 9 months old

Anna’s first birthday party


Anna enjoying her new chair at 16 months old July 2010

Anna sleeping in the van on the way home from vacation last week- 17 months old

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